October 10th, 2024
Raquel Lane-Arellano, CIRC & CIRC Action Fund Communications Manager
Cell: 720-345-9516 Email: Raquel@Coloradoimmigrant.org
Josh Stallings, Juntos Community, Program Manager of Advocacy
Cell: 720-383-4721 Email: advocacy@juntoscommunity.org
The Fifth Circuit Court will hear arguments on two critical programs for immigrant families
New Orleans, LA – On October 10th, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals will hear two crucial cases that could decide the future of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and the newly launched Keeping Families Together initiative. In response, the Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition (CIRC) is sending a delegation to New Orleans to stand in solidarity with DACA recipients and their families as this pivotal legal battle unfolds.
For years now, anti-immigrant forces have worked to dismantle DACA, a program that has provided stability and protection for thousands of Coloradans and people across the country. These legal attacks threaten the fundamental security of immigrant families, risking mass deportations that could tear apart communities across Colorado and beyond.
“DACA recipients in Colorado are vital to our state’s workforce, economy, and communities. This court case represents an attack on our families and the values we stand for,” said Keilly, North Regional Organizer with CIRC. “We’re traveling to New Orleans to show our support and demand that the Court protect the programs that keep families together.”
A High-Stakes Decision Before the Fifth Circuit Court
The Fifth Circuit now faces a historic decision: protect DACA, which has allowed thousands of Coloradans to live and work without fear, and support the Keeping Families Together initiative to safeguard more families left in limbo, or open the door to mass deportations that could devastate our communities. More than 11,000 DACA recipients in Colorado contribute to our state as students, healthcare workers, business owners, and parents. Ending DACA, along with blocking Keeping Families Together, would be a devastating blow to their futures and to our state’s prosperity.
“DACA has protected my son since he was 18 years old, and allowed him to obtain a job, purchase a home and continue his studies,” said Pabiola Aguilar, the mother of a DACA recipient from Colorado. “That is why it is important that the 5th Circuit Court take into account the values of justice, liberty, and equality of this country, and allow DACA recipients to live freely and without fear of being deported.”
The consequences of a future without DACA are already being felt by those that have applied for DACA, but have been left in limbo since USCIS stopped processing new applications for DACA in July of 2021. “As this court hearing approaches, I can’t help but focus on the fact that my 2021 application to DACA remains unresolved. Keeping Families Together has also emerged as a potential avenue toward my citizenship. Sadly, both programs that could assist me on my pathway are currently on hold, which has left me in limbo for over three years, as I await a decision.” said Fernanda Munoz. Over 90,000 people applied to DACA between December of 2020 and July 16, 2021 and remain in limbo with their applications frozen. It is estimated that as many as 400,000 individuals could be eligible for DACA if it were to open for first time applicants again.
Colorado Shows Up for Immigrant Families
Our presence at the hearing in New Orleans underscores the importance of this moment for Colorado. “Our state has led the way in passing laws to protect immigrant families, from banning ICE arrests in courthouses to expanding access to higher education,” said Paola Grimaldo, Membership Engagement Manager with CIRC. “But now, we face a national threat to our communities. This hearing is about more than DACA—it’s about whether we will allow families to be torn apart.”
In Colorado, immigrant families are at the heart of our communities, working hard to build a better future. We are committed to defending their rights and ensuring that the courts and lawmakers, as well as employers and universities, recognize their importance to the state’s future.
Resources for Employers and Community Members
“While we wait for rulings from the 5th Circuit Court, we all have a continued role to play in ensuring that undocumented people across Colorado can work in the career of their dreams and thrive in our state,” says Josh Stallings, Program Manager of Advocacy with Juntos Community. Companies and educational institutions can learn more about creating paid non-employment opportunities for people regardless of immigration status during a monthly training, and community members can learn about opportunities to earn income through independent contracting.
A Call for Long-Term Immigration Solutions
While DACA and the Keeping Families Together initiative are crucial, the ultimate goal remains clear: Congress must pass a pathway to citizenship for all immigrants. The threat to DACA is part of a larger strategy to divide families and communities, and we will continue fighting for bold immigration reform that ensures security and dignity for every undocumented person in Colorado and across the nation.
As the October 10th hearing approaches, we urge all Coloradans to stand up for immigrant families and demand that the Court uphold DACA and reject these harmful attacks on our communities.
About Juntos Community
Committed to helping undocumented immigrants overcome barriers to workforce access and career mobility, Juntos empowers our community with DACA support, educational workshops, and increased awareness around systemic challenges so that they can confidently thrive in their chosen careers.
For more information, visit our website at www.juntoscommunity.org